THE HORROR PRESS is looking for writing interns/guestwriters
we would love for you to submit your own unique piece of horror writing, there is no pay as of right now for story submissions, poems and or reviews. This is an excellent opportunity for exposure. Writers and Readers alike can contribute. This will give unknown authors or aspiring writers to get recognized.
The Perks from Submitting: You, the writer has the opportunity to have your work Published. You do not need to pay membership fees. Readers are able to pick their favorite story of the month and you will be able to win a prize if picked the winner. ( Since we are just beginning we are currently accepting stories, contest has not started as of right now)
Advertising and Promotion: Even if you're not a winner, by simply submitting something, you will be given proper recognition when the story or poem is published. The Horror Press will also promote and advertise your work as long as is related to the horror genre. We will also take the liberty of placing you in the authors section The Horror Press.
Submissions The Horror Press Accepts are: Unique and Non Unique Short Stories,Book Reviews,Movie Reviews, Video game reviews,Poetry, Print Art relating to the Horror Genre. Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated! Submissions must not be published elsewhere to be qualified for a contest.The author of the short story,poem,review will be recognized, and promoted. You, the author are automatically eligible for the contest drawing on the best piece of writing for the month. Once we accept your story, we will have it in The Horror Press. The piece is always the original authors work, you can do whatever you want and post elsewhere but we refer the right to having a unique submission.
Submissions The Horror Press does not Accept: Plagiarized work, not your own piece of writing. Erotic Stories, The stories may contain something erotic but can not be based purely on it.
Unique Submissions: May not have been published elsewhere before submitting to The Horror Press.
Non Unique: Will be displayed in the horror press. They will retain the same guidelines as the unique submissions but will not be qualified for a contest.
Spell Check And Grammar: As we are not English Majors we don't have perfect grammar and punctuation, and we don't expect our writers to either, but we like to check our spelling and grammar. To make the work easier for us, please spell check and use proper grammar for your submissions. If we notice minor mistakes we will edit it, but if there's a lot of misspelling we will reject the work and prompt you to re-submit.
Illustrations: Any kind relating to the horror genre, not too graphic.
Poems: No limit on words.
Reviews: Must be between 300-500 words.
Articles: Between 600-1300 words
Short Stories: Must be between 400-1500 words.
Send your submissions to with subject title submission. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward in showcasing amazing writers with amazing imagination.
THE HORROR PRESS is looking for writing interns/guestwriters
we would love for you to submit your own unique piece of horror writing, there is no pay as of right now for story submissions, poems and or reviews. This is an excellent opportunity for exposure. Writers and Readers alike can contribute. This will give unknown authors or aspiring writers to get recognized.
The Perks from Submitting: You, the writer has the opportunity to have your work Published. You do not need to pay membership fees. Readers are able to pick their favorite story of the month and you will be able to win a prize if picked the winner. ( Since we are just beginning we are currently accepting stories, contest has not started as of right now)
Advertising and Promotion: Even if you're not a winner, by simply submitting something, you will be given proper recognition when the story or poem is published. The Horror Press will also promote and advertise your work as long as is related to the horror genre. We will also take the liberty of placing you in the authors section The Horror Press.
Submissions The Horror Press Accepts are: Unique and Non Unique Short Stories,Book Reviews,Movie Reviews, Video game reviews,Poetry, Print Art relating to the Horror Genre. Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated! Submissions must not be published elsewhere to be qualified for a contest.The author of the short story,poem,review will be recognized, and promoted. You, the author are automatically eligible for the contest drawing on the best piece of writing for the month. Once we accept your story, we will have it in The Horror Press. The piece is always the original authors work, you can do whatever you want and post elsewhere but we refer the right to having a unique submission.
Submissions The Horror Press does not Accept: Plagiarized work, not your own piece of writing. Erotic Stories, The stories may contain something erotic but can not be based purely on it.
Unique Submissions: May not have been published elsewhere before submitting to The Horror Press.
Non Unique: Will be displayed in the horror press. They will retain the same guidelines as the unique submissions but will not be qualified for a contest.
Spell Check And Grammar: As we are not English Majors we don't have perfect grammar and punctuation, and we don't expect our writers to either, but we like to check our spelling and grammar. To make the work easier for us, please spell check and use proper grammar for your submissions. If we notice minor mistakes we will edit it, but if there's a lot of misspelling we will reject the work and prompt you to re-submit.
Illustrations: Any kind relating to the horror genre, not too graphic.
Poems: No limit on words.
Reviews: Must be between 300-500 words.
Articles: Between 600-1300 words
Short Stories: Must be between 400-1500 words.
Send your submissions to with subject title submission. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
We look forward in showcasing amazing writers with amazing imagination.
presto completrò il mio libro giallo "" in vaiggio con l'assassino". ora invece vorrei trovare uno sceneggiatore per la revizione di una sceneggiatura da me iniziata dell''horror.che si intitola / il demone della montagna./ se esiste qualcuno che ama scrivere come me horror ,e scambiare idee nel settore scriva a :
oppure potete trovarmi su // scrittore5968.
saluti daniele scrittore 5968
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