The edgy art house/horror/fetish film “House of Flesh Mannequins was shown at the Santa Fe Film Festival on Thursday December 3 and Saturday December 5, and the film received very mixed reviews from the audience. In fact, according to the festival’s director, Karen RedHawk Dallett,, over 1/3 of the film’s first audience actually walked out.” The film is very different than anything being shown in America: It’s edgy and dark, almost like the remake of Cape Fear, but much more than that.”
According to the film’s producers, ”House of Flesh Mannequins,” presents a compelling case against the use of gratuitous violence, on TV, as well as, the self-righteous, sanctimonious ways that society chooses to confront children’s issues.” The film is “gory, pornographic and outrageous.” To drive the point home, “House of Flesh Mannequins,” which uses international film stars (Dominziano Arcangeli, Irena A. Hoffman, Giovanni Lombardo, Radici, Randal Malone,) as well as underground porn actors and actual fetishists, does not fake some of its most outrageous scenes.
One thing almost everyone agrees on is that the film is a cinematographic masterpiece. With both obvious and subtle nods to Fellini, Cronenberg, Lynch, Fulchi and Argento, “House of Flesh Mannequins, “ is a lush surreal piece that captures the camp and feel of classic films from the ‘70’s. The film won the Italian National Culture award for best cinematography, as well as a best actor award for Giovanni Lombardo Radici and Best movie project for 2009.
That does not take away from “House of Flesh Mannequin’s, “ ability to provoke and disgust some audience members. According to Ms RedHawk Dallet, even members of the board of directors of the Santa Fe Film festival were, “offended.” Ms RedHawk Dallet Said the film is reminiscent of the “70’s classic ”Pink Flamingoes,” but “This is where the human mind is today.” The producers had the courage to put it on film.” That said, “Would I show the movie again? I don’t think so.”
(Press Release Via: Matt Chasin)
Having seen it, it's excellent. Nothing like you've every seen before. A must see.
Brilliant art house film. Great visuals, plot, acting and overall original presentation. It's just different and worth watching.
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